Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tofu Lasagna?

Ok so it's not really lasagna. The recipe was also described as "a western style mabo dofu." I don't know what to call it, so here is an explanation of what the dish is:
1. Put a layer of ground pork at the bottom of dish, then season with salt and pepper.
2. Cut up tofu (microwave for 4 min beforehand to get rid of water), tomatoes, and eggplant (optional) and sprinkle them all over the ground pork. Pour some yakiniku sauce over all of the ingredients.
3. Sprinkle cheese over the top, then bake in toaster oven for 30 min.
That's it! When I first saw the recipe, it seemed like a strange combination of ingredients, but there were so many people saying how tasty it was that I had to try it at least once. Conclusion: it really was tasty - will probably make it again soon, since I now have a bottle of yakiniku sauce sitting in the fridge.

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